An encyclopedia is a reference work (book, set of books or digital document) that aims to synthesize all knowledge to build knowledge and to show its organization in a way that makes it accessible to the public, for the purpose of education, information or to support cultural memory.
The purpose of an encyclopedia is to bring together the scattered knowledge on the face of the earth; to exhibit the general system to the men with whom we live, and to transmit it to the men who will come after us; so that the labors of past centuries will not have been useless labors for the centuries to come.
This online training course on conservative orthopedic treatment of spinal deviations is unique and there is no standard reference.
10% of the training is free of charge. It corresponds to the basic University training. The main videos are listed in this chapter. They will allow you to appreciate the quality of the documents.
For the other chapters, one-minute synthesis videos have been produced.
For the price of a travel and a few days in a hotel, you can have access to all of these documents and to the Certification.
Unlike a dictionary that defines the words of a language, an encyclopedia explains the words.A thematic encyclopaedic article (on-line video) methodically exposes all the specific knowledge of a field of knowledge (specialized encyclopaedia).
The lombo-sacral junction & hip hinge
The horizontal plane: the lost plane of scoliosis
Experimental Scoliosis (free)
Delayed maturation of the extrapyramidal system
The horizontal plane: the lost plane of scoliosis
Lyon Method and coupled movements (free)
3D instability for adult scoliosis
ASA in 7 steps (free)
3D instability for Adult Scoliosis
Backschool for Scoliosis (free)
PSSE Biomechanical historical approach (free)
Lyon Method 1 "Orthopaedic swing" (free)
Lyon Method 2 "Grand porter" (free)
Lyon method Physiotherapy in 10' (free)
Universal Scoliosis Specific Bracing
ARTbrace (trailer) (free)
Improving Bracing for adult scoliosis
Lyon brace: very long term results (free)
Lyon brace: Late Risser results (free)
ARTbrace: final results (free)
ARTbrace (adult): results (free)